Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Timeline of Events

We were assigned the film on February 18, in which that week Andrew and Michael were able to watch it completely, however Darryl had problems playing the DVD and was not able to view a majority of the film. We came up with our target audience and key areas to promote the film by the 25th of February. We came up with a very rough outline of our marketing timeline. Next, Michael sent our filmmaker an email to get things started and see what materials we would have. He replied by the next day saying he would send posters and postcards. He also wanted us to use the trailer found on the film's official website. We decided as a group we would not have to create a blog because this site had all the necessary information. It had a synopsis, trailer, screening dates and times, and even a blog of it's own.

The films screenings were March 29 and April 1. We felt there wasn't too much we could do early so our main focus was two weeks before the screening, just enough time for people to plan ahead to see it. While we waited for our material to arrive, we began work on the online campaign. Andrew created a Facebook event on March 16th. Michael found the Winter Park Sidewalk Art Festival from March 20-22 where he and Andrew passed out postcards. Darryl researched schools and local establishments with potential interest in the film and we waited until it was closer to the festival to send them out. By March 23, those emails were sent. Darryl was also able to contact local art houses that permitted us to hang up poster and flyers within their break room. Michael was able to drop the materials off by March 26th. Finally, on the 2nd day of screening, all three members promoted the film outside the theater.

The proposed timeline we initially posted onto Basecamp seemed to follow the schedule in which we executed each action. The only difference within the schedules was the initial date we had planned on distributing collateral materials. Our timeline on Basecamp had us performing this a week prior to its actually execution date. However, we as a group decided against this and felt our film would be better received if we waited one more week to implement our marketing strategy.

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